[OS X TeX] BibDesk + CVS Checkout?

Jung-Tsung Shen jushen at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 11:15:02 EDT 2005

Assume I have set up everything in BibDesk, including the autofile
which links the citations to the actual papers.

But sometimes for some reasons, I have to work on Windows and need to
add citations from equivalent program on Windows (BibTexMng,
specifically). To help the synchronization easier, I set up a CVS

Now the question:

If I check in the .bib file that contains hundred of citation records
and was edited on Windows from Windows platform, and check out this
.bib file on Mac, *and replace the old local version", will everything
(autofile ... etc) keeps intact?

I surely don't want to experiment before I know the answer for sure. :-)


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