[OS X TeX] Re: A Textures Query

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Sep 15 18:29:33 EDT 2005

Le 15 sept. 05 à 22:51, Maarten Sneep a écrit :

> On 15 Sep 2005, at 21:12, Siep Kroonenberg wrote:
>> On Sep 15, 2005, at 11:12 AM, Jack Kuipers wrote:
>>> TEXTURES FILES or RUN THEM UNDER TeXShop 1.5.3e or later? HOW,  
>>> first of all,  to get all of the figures back out of TEXTURES  
>>> ---- and then to get them all properly converted (say, using  
>>> GraphicConverter batch) is the primary issue;
>>> I can do ONE figure (at a time) --- but 100++ figures??? I might  
>>> not survive it. ANY suggestions would be so very much welcomed.
> If I recall correctly, the way textures stored its figures was in  
> the resource fork of the TeX file. Graphic Converter may be able to  
> translate these directly as a batch, but you may end up with  
> bitmapped (raster) images, something you may not like.
> Another option is to use DeRez to extract the files, but we would  
> need some description/header file for DeRez to extract the bits &  
> bytes correctly.
> It would help to know (a) in which format you actually included the  
> figures (pict, eps, tiff), and (b) to have a simple sample of these  
> files, so we can try out different methods. Since the figures are  
> likely to reside in the resource fork, you have to compress the file 
> (s) with a resource-aware utility (stuff-it, or use the Finder to  
> create a zip file - but I keep forgetting whether that was  
> available in Panther, or did we really get it in tiger only?)

What I've just tried:

- Download ResPloder <http://ljug.com/sw/resploder.html>. Taken a  
Textures file, containing pictures in PICT resource format (for  
example KaleidaGraph graphs) visible in the Pictures window,  
ResPloder will convert all the resources from this file into  
individual files, and put them in a series of folder. In particular,  
a PICT folder containing all the PICT resources as individual files.

- You may then open these files with GraphicConverter, and ask for  
conversion to EPS. However, I've never managed to get  
GraphicConverter to deal with EPS files correctly.

- You may also use Adobe Illustrator to open the PICT file, and save  
it to EPS format.

- Then you can use Preview, or TeXShop, to convert the EPS files to  
PDF which is the preferred format for graphics on OS X (and for  
pdfTeX). And you may include the pictures, for example, in LaTeX with  
the graphics or graphicx package.

But yes, it's not automated. ResPloder might be able to convert all  
the 100+ pictures in your Textures file to individual PICT files in  
one go, but you'll have to process these files one by one. If  
"convert" from ImageMagick could perform the conversion from PICT to  
EPS, then a command-line expert would probably be able to provide  
some code for converting all the PICT files in a folder in one go. A  
problem, though, could be the names created by ResPloder for these  
files, namely "r.17056", which have no recognizable .pict or .pct  

There's also another case to consider: some PICT images contain  
actually EPS code inside a comment field. These files are called  
PostScript PICT in KaleidaGraph, for example. When using these files  
in Textures, the EPS code is used for printing, and the PICT code for  
previewing. It's this EPS code that should be used in OS X, but I  
don't know how to extract it from the PICT file.

Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin------------------------- Info --------------------------
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