[OS X TeX] A Textures Query (yet, again)

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Sat Sep 17 03:13:55 EDT 2005

Le 17 sept. 05 à 02:32, Jack Kuipers a écrit :

> PICT figures inside Textures. They were produced in Superpaint (a  
> splendid software purchased by Adobe then immediately shelved after  
> they purchased it. Illustrator, in my view, is a lesser product). A  
> few figures (eps) I produced using Mathematica or Maple.
> For any new documents I'm very comfortable with all aspects of  
> TeXShop ala LaTeX and can produce most any figure or picture in the  
> appropriate pdf format and/or also whatever mathematics is required.
> My current concern is getting the entire (Quaternion Book) Textures  
> file (with figures embedded in the appropriate Textures file for  
> each chapter), getting it all properly into the TeXShop format. Of  
> course, all of the figures would need to be converted to pdf --- as  
> I currently do for any new stuff.

OK. I had a look at my old copies of SuperPaint (1.0 and 2.0).  
Version 1.0 starts up in Classic, but isn't functional (menu bar  
looks funny, nothing is drawn in the document window). Version 2.0  
works fine, and the document format is PICT.

For the PICT pictures in your Quaternion Book Textures file:

- Process this file (or the files for each chapter) through ResPloder  
<http://ljug.com/sw/resploder.html>. Go the PICT folder(s) so  
created, look at the various files inside it(them): they should have  
names of the form r.[number], where [number] is the resource ID of  
each figure in the original Textures file(s). By default, these files  
are given the Type and Creator of Graphic Converter files. Open these  
files one by one, to see what's inside them, and rename them to match  
the picture names in the picture window of the Textures file.

- Use then either Graphic Converter, or Adobe Illustrator since you  
seem to have it, to convert these files to EPS (I would recommend  
Illustrator over Graphic Converter); make sure the converted file  
names include the .eps extension. All the above is manual, and I  
don't think you can avoid it, sorry. Half a day or one full day of  
work, I imagine.

- Afterwards you can use the command line and go automated: open  
Terminal, use "cd" to move to the folder(s) where the eps files are,  
and then type

     apply epstopdf *.eps

to convert all the figures to PDF. This is using the script /usr/ 
local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/epstopdf, invoking  
GhostScript in the background, to perform the EPS -> PDF conversion.  
In case the conversion doesn't work (that may happen, especially if  
the figures include fonts), type instead

     apply pstopdf *.eps

This will use Apple's own PS-to-PDF converter /usr/bin/pstopdf (used  
by Preview, for example). These two operations are similar to  
dragging all the EPS files in one go onto TeXShop (depending on your  
choice of Distiller in TeXShop).

- Then you have PDF files that you should have no problem, if I  
interpret your answer correctly, to include in your book after  
converting all the picture inclusion macros into \includegraphics calls.

For the EPS figures (I guess these are separate files): same as the  
last steps above.

Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin------------------------- Info --------------------------
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