[OS X TeX] Sync with ConTeXt

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Mon Sep 19 08:58:38 EDT 2005

Le 19 sept. 05 à 14:25, Peter Dyballa a écrit :

> Am 19.09.2005 um 04:04 schrieb Herbert Schulz:
>> I wonder if surrounding the file.tex or file with {}, e.g., \input 
>> {file.tex}, would help the pdf->tex sync work. Is that ok in ConTeXt?
> It's not documented, Herb. In the documentation it's always `` 
> \input some_file´´, no matter how complicated the context around  
> this is. There is an \includeMPgraphic{} -- but it is METAPOST  
> related. Trying \input{} lets ConTeXt stumble: no output.

LaTeX did a rather dangerous thing: redefine two TeX primitives (i.e.  
commands hardwired inside TeX -- the executable program -- itself),  
\input and \end. Fortunately, that was with assistance from Don  
Knuth, thus no harm was actually done.

In standard TeX, \input has the only syntax

     \input filename.tex

where the .tex extension is implicit if absent, while \end signals  
the end of a document, normally to end up with


(for which a shortcut \bye is defined in plain.tex -- the definition  
of the Plain format).

It's only LaTeX which, by its redefinitions, allows the argument of  
\input to be given inside braces, yielding


and which transforms \end into the standard ending of any  
environment, as in



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