[OS X TeX] [OT] Manuscript Revision Management etc.

Jung-Tsung Shen jushen at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 16:05:18 EDT 2005

This is a bit off topic, but I was wondering how other users manage
their manuscripts?

Before I started using CVS for manuscripts, I used to keep every
revision of my manuscript. It was not rare to see v1.tex, v2.tex, ...,
v15.tex for a working paper. I don't think too many people here set up
a CVS just for this purpose, and am really curious about how people
manage their manuscripts in this situation? I know there are always
smart brains and ingenious schemes out there I could learn from.

[The following is for people using CVS.]

Is there any real advantage to check in .eps .dvi .pdf files? I set up
cvswrappers under CVSROOT to handle binary files. But since these
files are derivatives of .tex file, I am not sure if it is really

I am a CVS novice (where CVS can be replaced by virtually any word.)


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