[OS X TeX] From prosper to powerdot --- prosper2powerdot

Luis Sequeira lsequeir at fc.ul.pt
Wed Sep 21 08:48:19 EDT 2005

I have written a small application that is intended to ease the 
migration from prosper to powerdot for people who wish to do so.

The purpose of this application is to batch convert LaTeX documents 
written for the prosper document class so that they hopefully typeset 
correctly with powerdot (of course, fine tuning by hand is likely 
required afterwards).

The program does *not* parse the LaTeX commands. It merely uses the 
Unix command 'sed' passing it a number of regular expressions, so for 
example it can convert \fromSlide{2} to \onslide{2-} as well as
\fromSlide{99} to \onslide{99-}
(but will fail to convert something like

Usage: drop any number of .tex files on the application icon (can't 
recursively work through dropped folders, at the moment)

 From each file.tex, the program produces a new file-pd.tex (so it is 
nondestructive, unless you also happened to have a pre-existing 
file-pd.tex, in which case it is silently overwritten!)

This program is, of course, completely free and "use at your own 
risk". I've successfuly converted over 60 files in one go, and it 
seems to work as intended, but it is provided as is, with no 
guarantee and no formal support.

The Mac OS X application was built from the shell script with 
Platypus. The 'sed' commands are in a file in Resources folder inside 
the package, so people can edit those to match their writing style 


Luis Sequeira

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