[OS X TeX] TeXShop & dvi files

Morten Poulsen morten at math.ku.dk
Thu Sep 22 05:26:34 EDT 2005

I recently switched from fink to using my own build of teTeX and
ghostscript. I adjusted the paths in the engine preferences. Everything
seemed to work as usual, until I tried to open a dvi file (which I  
can read
and write) in TeXShop - nothing happened. TeXShop used to open dvi files
perfectly. I'm using TeXShop version 2.03.

Is it my own build of teTeX and/or ghostscript that are causing  
I tried to switch distiller to Apple's, no difference. Is there a log  
that might tell me what TeXShop is doing? Any ideas?

Best regards,

Morten Poulsen
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