[OS X TeX] Tiger and Emacs 22 and TeX Menu Commands

Chris Swoyer fswoyer at cox.net
Fri Sep 23 13:37:03 EDT 2005

I've installed the Tiger, with latest updates, the latest version
Gerben W's TeX software (all of it), and GNU Emacs
(powerpc-apple-darwin8.1.0) of 2005-05-12. I'd been running carbon
Emacs under Panther with a full version of auctex and everything
was flawless. The TeX commands I had for my drop-down menu mostly
don't work with the new setup (TexShop and Ispell do, probably
because they call up those programs), maybe for path reasons. Here
is what I think is the relevant portion of my .emacs file (though
if I were sure about that I probably wouldn't be asking this). I
could attach the entire file but it's too long to ask
anyone to suffer through it. I don't get any error messages with
this, but some of the commands like pdflatex (error message
reprinted at the end of this missive) simply aren't
recognized. The auctex is in site-lisp in

Thanks for any help,

----.emacs ---------

(setq load-path (cons "/opt/local/share/emacs/22.0.50/lisp
/opt/local/share/emacs/22.0.50/site-lisp" load-path))

(require 'tex-site)
   ;;invoke auctex

;;*LaTeX COMMAND MENU (customisable; still some bugs here)

(setq TeX-command-list
        (list "LaTeX->TeXShop" "open -a TeXShop %t" 'TeX-run-LaTeX  
nil t)
        (list "Spell" "<ignored>" 'TeX-run-ispell-on-document nil nil)
        (list "pdfLaTeX->NonStop" "pdflatex '\\nonstopmode\\input{%t}'"
           'TeX-run-LaTeX nil t)
        (list "LaTeX->NonStop" "latex '\\nonstopmode\\input{%t}'"
           'TeX-run-LaTeX nil t)
        (list "View" "%s" 'TeX-run-view-command nil nil)
        (list "BibTeX" "bibtex %s" 'TeX-run-BibTeX nil nil)
        (list "Index" "makeindex %s" 'TeX-run-command nil t)
        (list "Index (author)" "makeindex general %s" 'TeX-run- 
command nil t)
        (list "Index (subject)" "makeindex authors %s" 'TeX-run- 
command nil t)
        (list "Lacheck" "lacheck %s" 'TeX-run-compile nil t)
;       (list "PDF (scalable)" (concat dvipdf-scalable-program " %d % 
s.pdf")          'TeX-run-command t nil)
        (list "PDF" "dvipdf %d %s.pdf" 'TeX-run-command t nil)
        (list "pdfLaTeX->Preview" "pdflatex '\\nonstopmode\\input{% 
t}';open %s.pdf" 'TeX-run-LaTeX nil t)
        (list "dvips" "dvips %d -o %f" 'TeX-run-command t nil)
        (list "Convert to HTML" "htlatex %t;open %s.html" 'TeX-run- 
command t nil)
        (list "LaTeX Interactive" "%l %t" 'TeX-run-interactive nil t)
        (list "Makeinfo HTML" "makeinfo --html %t" 'TeX-run-compile  
nil t)
        (list "Chktex" "chktex -v3 %s" 'TeX-run-compile nil t)
        (list "Makeinfo" "makeinfo %t" 'TeX-run-compile nil t)
        (list "Other..." "" 'TeX-run-command t t)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;End of .emacs;;;;;;;;;

----The error message I get----

Running `pdfLaTeX->NonStop' on `del' with ``pdflatex '\nonstopmode 
/bin/sh: line 1: pdflatex: command not found

pdfLaTeX->NonStop exited abnormally with code 127 at Fri Sep 23

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