[OS X TeX] [OT] Manuscript Revision Management etc.

Jung-Tsung Shen jushen at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 17:58:58 EDT 2005

> Simply do not include the other files when you import your project
> into CVS. If a file is unknown to cvs, it will not upload those files
> to the repository.
> Maarten


Thanks for the pointer. This does explain something. I set up my CVS
server on Windows laptop (for it's now less frequently used), and
found out that, from my powerbook, sometimes an unknown type of file
could be committed, and sometimes not. To add to the complicated
situation, there's cvswrappers file on Windows, and the "MacCVSClient
X" on my Mac also has an option called "Translator" which does the
same thing from client side. Haven't really figured out what I shoud
do. For example, some .aux files could be checked in, some not, even
though I already specified in the cvswrappers file.  Other normal
files could be checked in without any problems, though.

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