[OS X TeX] epstopdf

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Sep 28 12:01:22 EDT 2005

Le 28 sept. 05 à 17:27, Peter Dyballa a écrit :

> Am 28.09.2005 um 17:03 schrieb Alain Schremmer:
>>    But of course, I do resent having, in many cases, to use two steps
>>    "to use dates such as 28/09/2005 in file names." when I used to be
>>    able to do it in one.
> Why do you want to use dates in some proprietary and ambiguous  
> encoding?!
> Isn't ISO 8601 enough for you too? 2005-09-28: isn't this really  
> clear for everyone who learned to interpret Arabic numbers?

28/09/2005 is just the standard French notation for dates, used in  
all official papers and for all business and personal correspondence.  
You can verify this by going to System Prefs > International >  
Formats and choosing France as the region.

Actually I'm using dates in the form 2005/09/28 at the beginning of  
file names, so that a folder containing a collection of letters, for  
example, is organized in column view in chronological order.

Actually it's not even that, and I'm using 2005-09-28 instead, as ISO  
apparently recommends. But the reason is not adherence to standard.  
It's true that you can use 2005/09/28 as a file name in the Finder,  
and in a number of applications. There was a time in the TeXShop Save  
window, IIRC, that when you typed "/" it was converted automatically  
to "-"; that may have changed, I haven't checked recently.

My reason is actually different: at work we use a RAID system for  
automatic backups, and access this system through a Samba server. I  
use the Finder's Connect to Server (Cmd-K) to reach that server  
(typing in a URL of the form "smb://myserver.mydomain"). This is very  
convenient: once connected, your space on the Samba server appears  
just as another disk to your Mac, and at the end of a day of work you  
just have to drag and drop your work to this disk to have it backed  
up (only annoyance: file creation dates are lost). However, the Samba  
protocol is apparently more restrictive than the Finder: when it  
encounters a file with a "/" in its name (and a few other  
alphanumeric characters I haven't attempted to write down), the  
transfer stops abruptly with an error message telling something like  
IIRC "the file [...] couldn't be found". This implies either renaming  
the file before the transfer, or not using any non standard character  
in file names at all.

Sorry, I should have been more specific.

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