[OS X TeX] Small italic caps & pxfonts?

Johan Almqvist johan at almqvist.net
Thu Sep 29 06:04:24 EDT 2005

Hello, list!

I am writing my thesis and have decided to typeset acronyms in small  
caps, as this gives a smother general impression.

The only problem that arises from this is in my bibliography, because  
I get journal names like IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  
and that would
be \textit{\textsc{IEEE} Transactions on Software Engineering} which  
of course doesn't work, or else \textit{EEE Transactions on Software  
Engineering} which looks, well not ugly but inconsistent.

How can I get an italic small caps font defined?

I am using pdflatex, memoir, natbib and pxfonts, and I am willing to  
maniupulate the .bst file to get the correct output if I can just  
produce a command that will give me the right font shape.

I've tried the web (Google et al) but to no avail, the descriptions  
were either (it seems) too general or too specific.

Oh, my TeX installation is about 6 months old and is from Gerben's i- 

Johan Almqvist
johan at almqvist.net

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