[OS X TeX] Small italic caps & pxfonts?

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Sep 29 06:59:09 EDT 2005

Le 29 sept. 05 à 12:04, Johan Almqvist a écrit :

> How can I get an italic small caps font defined?
> I am using pdflatex, memoir, natbib and pxfonts, and I am willing  
> to maniupulate the .bst file to get the correct output if I can  
> just produce a command that will give me the right font shape.

You would need to create a fake italic small caps font, by slanting  
the small caps font pxsc provided with the pxfonts. That would  
include adding a new entry to /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/ 
fonts/map/dvips/tetex/pxfonts.map, such as:

rpxscsl Rpxsc ".167 SlantFont" <rpxsc.pfb

But then you would need to create accompanying metric and virtual  
font files (.tfm and .vf files), taking care of encoding issues (OT1,  
T1 or LY1), and then modify the provided LaTeX font definition files  
(.fd files).

Not for the faint of heart! fontinst might help you do this, I've  
never tried. See:


Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin

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