[OS X TeX] Spell checking LaTeX files in Emacs?

Chris Swoyer fswoyer at cox.net
Thu Sep 29 17:30:43 EDT 2005

Any suggestions on spell checking LaTeX files in
the new carbon emacs?

I have just upgraded to tiger and the new carbon emacs that works with 
it. Things are great save for spell checking. I have the following 
lines in my .emacs, which let me check spelling under panther 
flawlessly, but no longer. The cocoAspell program is in the same 
location in tiger, but I must need to change something else, because 
running any of the spelling commands gives the error message:

    Invalid version syntax: '.33.7.1 alpha'

and it doesn't mark misspellings on the fly (like it did with Panther)

Lines from my .emacs:

(setq ispell-program-name
   ;;use aspell

(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)  ;;spell check as we go

(define-key global-map "\C-cd" 'ispell-word)  ;;to fix flagged word


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