[OS X TeX] TeXShop scripting questions/feature requests

Chris Goedde cgoedde at condor.depaul.edu
Mon Apr 3 13:11:02 EDT 2006

Hi all,

When writing applescript macros in TeXShop, one can use #FILEPATH# to 
find the path to the current tex file. Is there a similarly easy way to 
find the path to the tex file specified in the current project root 
file? For example, if I'm editing Foo.tex, but Foo.texshop points to 
the the project root file Bar.tex, is there a #???PATH# construct that 
will return the complete path name of Bar.tex? If not, could this be 
added to TeXShop? It would be very useful to me.

I could write some applescript to pull this information out of the 
project root file if necessary (which would be Foo.texshop in the 
example above). Has anyone already done this? Are you willing to share 
your code?

Another request. It would be nice if there could be a directory-wide 
project root file that would apply to all the tex files in a given 
folder. I'm not sure what to call it (ProjectRoot.texshop?), but it 
would save creating individual files for projects that have many parts.


Chris Goedde

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