[OS X TeX] Re: White vs. Transparent?

Simon Spiegel simon at simifilm.ch
Fri Apr 7 03:01:13 EDT 2006

On 07.04.2006, at 08:31, Bruno Voisin wrote:

> Le 7 avr. 06 à 06:21, Bill Rowe a écrit :
>> On 4/6/06 at 10:30 PM, maarten.sneep at xs4all.nl (Maarten Sneep) wrote:
>>> Don't worry: a Mac will never come with Windows, you still have to
>>> jump through hoops to get it, not to mention pay a lot of money to
>> While I applaud the sentiment and think it is the most accurate  
>> prediction that could be made at this time, I will point out it  
>> wasn't that long ago a similarly strong statement would have been  
>> made about Intel processors in a Mac.
> I can't remember exactly when and where, but on a Mac news site  
> (MacNN, or HardMac, or even maybe CNet News.com), some weeks or  
> month ago, I remember seeing a column in which some analyst (I  
> think it was a university professor) was predicting that, with the  
> activity of Apple being more and more biased towards the iPod and  
> with Steve Jobs jumping on the Disney board, Apple was now planning  
> to ultimately abandon the development of OS X: Apple would  
> concentrate on making Macs and iPods, and all these machines would  
> run Windows.
> Reading this had seemed silly at the time, but now it seems less  
> excentric, and a bit like it had felt when reading the first  
> serious rumour of Apple switching to Intel processors on Paul  
> Thurrott's blog <http://www.windowsitpro.com/Articles/Index.cfm? 
> ArticleID=46175> (just after the beginning of the 5:50pm section of  
> 26 April 2005: "This one's bizarre, but we heard at lunch today  
> that Apple is unhappy with the PowerPC production at IBM and will  
> be switching to Intel-compatible chips this very year. Yeah,  
> seriously.").
> More and more OT as it goes!

Although I think this discssusion doesn't belong here I bleieve most  
of the fears are completely unfounded. If BootCamp has any negative  
impact, it's for the gaming sector. Apart from that I don't see any  
negative outcome. Why would anybody who uses a Mac today boot into  
WinXP to use an app which is available for the Mac? BootCamp will  
help those who rely on some app which doesn't exist on the Mac, which  
is positive, I don't see the reverse thing happening. I buy a Mac for  
the OSX experience and not to run Windows.

And the idea of Apple abandoning OSX is complete crap, there's  
absolutely no reason to do this just because the iPod makes a lot of  
money. O, and most of the analysts I see quoted on the web seem to  
have as much insight in Apple's strategy as me and you (meaning:  
none). Most of them just come out with some statement to make  
themselves heard. Ever since most of the informants for the rumor  
sites have been shut down, everybody seems to rely on analysts for  
some juicy rumor. Well, these analysts don't know more than anyone else.

Simon Spiegel
Mutschellenstr. 97
8038 Zürich

Telephon: ++41 43 535 81 71
Mobophon: ++41 76 459 60 39


"I have never been certain that the moral of the Icarus myth is, as  
is generally accepted, 'don't fly too high', or whether it might also  
be thought of as: 'forget about the wax and feathers, and do a better  
job on the wings." Stanley Kubrick

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