[OS X TeX] inputting figures that are pfd files

Jose Figueroa-O'Farrill j.m.figueroa at ed.ac.uk
Sun Apr 9 14:16:01 EDT 2006

Bruce> \usepackage{graphics}

I would normally have 


which is an extension of 'graphics'.

Bruce> near the top of a LaTeX document, and I put the statement

Bruce> \includegraphics{fos}

Did you generate a fos.bb file?  (You can do this by running the
command 'ebb fos.pdf' from the command line.)  This file then contains
the bounding box information which the above command requires.

Bruce> \includegraphics[0cm,0cm][2cm,2cm]{fos}

Bruce> Now I got a full set of output, but with a blank space where I would
Bruce> have expected the figure

This looks as if you had the 'draft' option turned on...

Cheers, José
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