[OS X TeX] Re: Issue with Multiple Bibliographies, MacOSX-TeX Digest #1826 - 08/19/06

Rolf Schmolling rolf.schmolling at alumni.TU-Berlin.de
Tue Aug 22 14:29:24 EDT 2006


You can use an ENGINE for that and get it done MUCH easier:

to quote Matthias Damm (17. Juli 2005 11:40:52 MESZ):

> Am 16.07.2005 um 21:29 schrieb Rolf Schmolling:
> Hi,
>> I am using TexShop on a MacOSX-System.
>> I copied the jurabib/bibtopuc-setup from earlier posts, replacing the
>> filenames with my own:
>> archivalien(.bib) and literatur(.bib) with one entry each I cited in
>> the minimal example (below)
>> 1) I've latexed the *.tex-file once (all "citations undefined")
>> Bibtopic advises me to:
> Jens has already given you a general solution for you problem.
> I would like to add some TeXShop-specific advice:
> You can set up TeXShop to call latex and bibtex automatically by
> creating an .engine file.
> Copy the following script to a file and name it BibTopic.engine or
> something. This script will automatically call bibdesk correctly.
> #!/bin/sh
> location=$(dirname "$1")
> basefname="${location}/`basename "$1" .tex`"
> # process the bibliography
> for file in "${location}/${basefname}"?.aux ;
> do
>      bibtex "${file}"
> done
> Move this file to ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines
> Make it executable ("chmod +x BibTopic.engine" in the Terminal)
> After hat, you will see an additional entry in your selection of
> engines in TeXShop (unfortunately not in the "Setzen" menu, but in
> the corresponding item in the toolbar).
> Mail me directly if you need additional information.
> (You will also find something on the MacTeX list's archive.)
> best,
> Matthias
> -- 
> Matthias Damm

For me it works flawless

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