[OS X TeX] OT Microsoft

Gerben Wierda Gerben.Wierda at rna.nl
Sat Dec 2 03:35:24 EST 2006

On Dec 2, 2006, at 09:25 , Simon Spiegel wrote:

> I don't completely agree. Of course, Word is dominating, but there  
> definitely is a market for alternatives. I'm in humanities and  
> people regularly ask me what they should use for their theses  
> because they're fed up with Word. Depending on their needs and  
> skills I recommend either Mellel or LaTeX. So far, none of them has  
> regretted the switch. The problem is really one of education/ 
> knowledge. People simply don't know that (better?) alternatives  
> exist. Actually, I'm slightly optimistic that using alternative wps  
> will be easier in the feature. With MS's move towards a semi-open  
> XML-based file format, one of the main reasons for using Word is –  
> at least potentially – gone.

Microsoft has used the de facto Windows 3.11 standard to stablish the  
proprietary .doc/etc standard
Microsoft is using the de facto .doc/etc standard to establish  
proprietary workgroup/etc standards (Active Directory, Exchange,  

Lawmakers are miles behind Microsoft on this one. They were  
discussing Windows when Microsoft was using Office to build/extend  
the monopoly. Now they might discuss Open Doc standards while  
Microsoft is establishing a framework from which it will be even more  
difficult to escape.

Note: I am neutral about all these platforms. I just have noticed  
over the years that Microsoft has been very good at thinking ahead  
and executing these stratgies.


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