[OS X TeX] Tables more than one page wide

Denis Chabot chabotd at globetrotter.net
Sun Dec 3 09:21:41 EST 2006

Hi Fernando,

Le 06-12-02 à 20:00, TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List a écrit :

> From: "Fernando Pereira" <fcnpereira at mac.com>
> Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 21:59:31 -0500
> On Dec 1, 2006, at 9:19 PM, Denis Chabot wrote:
>> Is there a way to just prepare one table and have LaTeX spread it
>> over two or more pages, or am I better to try to decide manually
>> how to split it, and make several table out of my big table?
> It's quite difficult to read wide tables, because you easily lose
> track of which row you are in. My suggestion would be to split the
> columns into conceptually coherent groups, and create one table for
> each group plus the index column you suggested you would repeat on
> each page. Several relatively narrow tables would be more readable
> that two/three wide tables, IMHO.
> -- F

I agree with you that the resulting table would be unusable except if  
it was on two facing pages only, which I'm not sure it will be. So  
I've decided to change a series of about 8 columns that would only  
contain check-marks into a single columns that will contain a few  
words each time. This way, I should be able to rotate the table into  
landscape mode and have enough space. It will still fit on more than  
one page in height, but I should be able to handle this.

Thanks for your comment.

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