[OS X TeX] mathtime, tetex/TeXLive,macTeX

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Mon Dec 4 06:40:30 EST 2006

Le 2 déc. 06 à 22:17, Jérome Laurens a écrit :

> What are the Lucida fonts we have on Mac OS X?
> Is there any  link with the pctex fonts?

As far as I know, the Lucida fonts from either pctex < http:// 
www.pctex.com/Lucida_Fonts.html> or TUG <http://www.tug.org/store/ 
lucida/index.html> are the same. These are an updated version of  
those formerly sold by Y&Y, and which were available for the Mac  
through Blue Sky Research (the makers of Textures).

I don't know whether the license is different, depending on whether  
the fonts are sold through PCTeX or TUG. I imagine there can only be  
one license, but who knows? The license when getting the fonts  
through TUG is <http://www.tug.org/store/lucida/lucida-license- 
individual.txt>, and that when getting the fonts through PCTeX is  
<http://www.pctex.com/files/managed/a/a2/EULA.txt>. I'm not inclined  
enough towards legal issues to read them and try to find whether  
there's indeed a difference, I must admit.

What's new especially (apart from, for us Europeans, the Euro sign),  
is the LaTeX support package, lucimatx by Walter Schmidt, replacing  
the former lucidabr by Sebastian Rahtz & David Carlisle. Contrary to  
the latter, this new package is no longer available for free on CTAN:  
it can only be obtained when purchasing the fonts.

The PCTeX page mentions explicitly this new package, while the TUG  
page doesn't. I imagine, though, that lucimatx is provided with both  

See also <http://www.pctex.com/kb/53.html>.

Similarly, PCTeX sells MathTime Pro 2 <http://www.pctex.com/ 
mtpro2.html>, an update of the MathTime fonts, namely of the Basic  
and Pro MathTime 1.1 fonts sold formerly by Y&Y. Only MathTime Basic  
has ever been made available on the Mac through Blue Sky Research.  
The Pro distribution complemented the Basic one by adding, among  
other things, bold math italic (used for vector variables in my field).

Like Lucida, these updated MathTime fonts come with a new support  
package, mtpro2, by Walter Schmidt, replacing the former package  
mathtime by Frank Mittelbach & David Carlisle.

The corresponding license is <http://www.pctex.com/files/managed/c/c5/ 
MTP2EULA.txt>. It is said to be more liberal than the former license  
from Y&Y, though I must admit that I am, again, not interested enough  
by legal issues to read it and try to figure out what has changed.

As for me, I'm still using my MathTime and Lucida fonts converted to  
PFB from the Mac LWFN originals, together with the packages mathtime  
and lucidabr. It makes certainly sense to update (if only, again, to  
get the Euro sign, and to get at last access to the MathTime Pro  
features on the Mac).

Bruno Voisin------------------------- Info --------------------------
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