[OS X TeX] Re: MacTeX TeXLive installer oddity

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Wed Dec 6 15:53:40 EST 2006


Are you trying to install the TUG TeXLive, or Gerben's TeXLive?

One possible explanation is that I install Receipts for Gerben's TeXLive
from that package, so i-Installer can upgrade it, but no receipts for  
TUG's TeXLive. Perhaps
these receipts are confusing matters. (Although that would be puzzling).

I'm in the midst of other tasks, but this evening I'll return to this
issue and tell you what the size ought to be.

Obviously I'm very interested in this problem! We've got to get to the
bottom of it.

Incidentally, this may not be the best time to install using one of
our three "extended" packages, since there will be minor changes
after Gerben finishes his work. Specifically:

a) in the future, each of these packages will also install some links
in /Library/TeX following Gerben's design, so GUI applications can more
easily set defaults to locate the distribution. In many cases this can
be done automatically without user intervention

b) Gerben will also rename the folder containing his distribution, and
that will make it possible to put TUG's TeXLive in /usr/local/texlive/ 
which is their "default location."

So these are very minor changes, but still...

koch at math.uoregon.edu

PS: By the way, where did you read this "size" business. I see
sizes using the "Custom Install." This uses some receipts from the
MacTeX install (rather than Gerben's receipts) and on my machine
the required size is "0" because I already installed everything.

PS: Another interesting experiment. I rename /usr/local and then
restart the installer. It still believes the required size is "0". So  
it doesn't
actually look to see what is present, but instead believes the receipt.

PPS: The receipts (from Apple's installer) are in /Library/Receipts. The
receipts for TeXLive2005 are

	Font Utilities					37.4 MB
	Ghostscript					41.4 MB
	GUI Applications for TeXLive	83.2 MB
	ImageMagick				71.7 MB
	TeXLive2005				1.5 GB

To find these sizes, I temporarily renamed the five receipts, and then
ran the installer and looked at these numbers from Custom Install. Note
that these are numbers "after expanded" since the entire TeXLive2005
package is a little over 600 MG

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