[OS X TeX] Frontrow and TeX presentations

Luis Sequeira lfsequeira at fc.ul.pt
Thu Dec 7 09:15:56 EST 2006

On Dec 7, 2006, at 1:00 AM, TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List wrote:

> Morning.
> Can I -- and how can I if -- control presentations made by TeX
> (beamer class or others) by Frontrow and the Apple Remote Control?
> TIA and kind regards, Friedrich

There is a very neat little piece of software called Mira. It  
installs a preference pane that lets you decide how the Apple Remote  
is used to control any application that you might want.
I have tried the test version and it worked as advertised. No problem  
displaying a powerdot presentation in Adobe Reader using the Apple  
Remote on an iMac. Pretty cool.

I intend to buy it as soon as I get my new macbook pro (<rant> no c2d  
macbook pros have reached Portugal as of Dec 7, I ordered mine the  
day they were announced </rant>).

Luis Sequeira

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