[OS X TeX] preferred tool for presentations

Paul Vickers eattheword at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 12 07:52:40 EST 2006

Christopher Menzel wrote:

> As always, choice of apps is a matter of individual needs and 
> sensibilities, but for my part, I've not found anything that can match 
> the Keynote/TeXShop/LaTeXiT combination for preparing presentations.

Except when it comes to including audio. Keynote does not yet allow you 
to embed multiple clickable audio objects on a slide. Yes, you can 
sequence a series of automatic builds, but you cannot do what PowerPoint 
allows which is to have any number of loud speaker icons on a slide each 
of which, when clicked, triggers a corresponding audio (or even MIDI) 
file. As far as I can tell there's no work around to this. Thus I end up 
either using the (unsatisfactory) pre-programmed sequence of auto-build 
sounds, or I use a separate media player app and switch between them -- 
not even this limitation can force me to go back to PowerPoint.



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