[OS X TeX] slightly off-topic: Acrobat Reader 8

Alessandro Andretta alessandroandretta at mac.com
Thu Dec 14 03:52:59 EST 2006

I found the new Acrobat Reader 8 *very* buggy. When reading the  
VisualFAQ.pdf by Scott Pakin,
certain fonts are missing. (The same file looks perfect with Acrobat  
Reader 7, or with Preview).
Last night I was reading the "Tex Freak" e-talk by Victor Ivrii (by  
the way, Victor: EXCELLENT
presentation, both in forma AND content!!) and the annoying pop-up  
cameout saying:
"this document is trying to connect to CTAN" -Then the mouse  
disappeared from the screen,
and since I could not click on "Accept", the machine stood in perfect  
isolation until the screen
saver kicked-in, and I could resume using my machine.
I use two iMac G5 and a PowerBook, system 10.4.8 international  
English. A colleague of mine,
using an Intel iMac system 10.4.8 in Italian is experiencing an even  
weirder problem: when he
prints a paper with Acrobat Reader 8, every now and then the page is  
printed from right to left,
as if it was reflected in a mirror (e.g. my name would appear as  

Has anyone else noticed these abnormal behaviours?



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