[OS X TeX] URLs in bibliographic entries
Alan Munn
amunn at msu.edu
Fri Dec 15 12:43:35 EST 2006
At 12:11 PM -0500 12/15/06, Nathan Paxton wrote:
> Hi all,
> Another question of basic difficulty. I've done some
>googling, but it's not quite clear what I need to do.
> I have a number of biblio entries in BibDesk that have URLs
>to WWW versions of the papers I cite. I'm using the natbib package,
>with a chicago.bst reference style. How can I get the reference
>list to print out the URLs of the papers (which it won't do right
>now)? I've seen some stuff on the url.sty package, but I can't
>figure out how to get that to work within my document.
The chicago.bst style was probably not designed with URLs in mind.
If it was, URLs should print automatically with it. So you need to
make a new bst file using custombib to replicate the chicago style
with URLs included. Towards the end of the custombib prompts there
is an item "Include REVTeX data fields" to allow you to output
other information like URLs.
To make the new .bst file type "latex makebst" into a terminal window
(assuming your TeX installation was set up to use the command line as
well.) and follow the prompts. You'll probably need a good written
description of the chicago style that you need at hand to answer all
of the questions.
(If not, run the i-installer configure phase to set command line activation).
Alan Munn
amunn at msu.edu
Department of Linguistics
and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages Fax. +1-517-432-2736
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824 Tel. +1-517-355-7491
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