[OS X TeX] [Yale] i-installer directories

William Adams will.adams at frycomm.com
Tue Dec 19 09:40:27 EST 2006

On Dec 19, 2006, at 9:30 AM, Scott Murman wrote:

> huh, what has happened to Gerben re: i-installer?  can someone  
> point to a thread or summarize?
> losing i-installer w/o a viable alternative is a catastrophe.

Gerben has decided to end his formal on-line support for i-Installer,  
but it will remain available, and as an opensource app, could be  
worked on / improved depending on the needs and abilities of  
interested persons.

A bit earlier, I believe, Thomas Esser has announced that he will no  
longer work on tetex, so there's been something of a movement to  

Work has been on-going by a lot of people to ensure a smooth  
transition and flexibility of choices and options, and things seem to  
be working out well. Look up the ``mactex'' distribution at:


for a bit of reassurance.


William Adams
senior graphic designer
Fry Communications

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