[OS X TeX] preferred tool for presentations

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Tue Dec 19 17:20:04 EST 2006

Le 19 déc. 06 à 22:48, Herbert Schulz a écrit :

> Very nice! Did you use Mathematica for the graphs or were they  
> generated some other way?

Yes, I used my usual workflow which is to generate graphs in  
Mathematica, rework them in Illustrator, save to EPS format, convert  
to PDF (using either TeXShop or Preview in the Finder, or epstopdf or  
pstopdf from the CLI), include the PDF in Keynote.

Often "rework" means simply adding axis labels etc., but here it  
meant more, especially for the beam drawings on slides 8 and 9: for  
each drawing, one beam was created in Mathematica, and then in  
Illustrator the complementary 3 other beams (forming a St Andrew's  
Cross all together) were added using horizontal and vertical mirrors,  
some elements (such as the wave intensity profile) were removed from  
these added beams, and the thickness of each line was also set  
manually, the sphere was made a shade of grey, etc.

Actually some drawings (especially on slides 2 and 3) don't involve  
Mathematica at all: they were based on drawings created in MacDraw II  
(!) about 15 years ago, then imported, reworked and modified in  
MacDraw Pro, and Claris Draw, and Illustrator (versions 8 to CS 2).  
Such is the power of the Mac that one can reuse such previous work  
over such a long period of time!


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