[OS X TeX] xdvipdfmx with xelatex

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Fri Dec 22 11:46:42 EST 2006

Le 22 déc. 06 à 17:28, Philipp Mathey a écrit :

> Regarding paths : right now I have to add
> (setenv "PATH" "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ 
> local/gwTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current")
> to my .emacs file. How should this be modified ?

I think you just need to change the last path element /usr/local/ 
gwTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current to /usr/texbin.

That said, in parallel with the development of this new i-Package by  
Gerben and Jérôme, Dick Koch has been working on a new MacTeX based  
on it. As far as I understood, the new TeXDist structure should allow  
the front-ends (TeXShop, iTeXMac, LaTeXiT, maybe even texmaker, etc.)  
to pick up the correct path automagically, without any user  

I think Dick is about to release this new MacTeX soon. Maybe some  
people would prefer to wait for it.

Bruno Voisin
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