[OS X TeX] Changing the default preview program

Maarten Sneep maarten.sneep at xs4all.nl
Sat Dec 23 15:16:58 EST 2006

On 23-dec-2006, at 18:52, Christian Burk wrote:

> I played around with TextMate and its integration of PDFView and I  
> realy like this viewer. Now I was curious if it would be possible  
> to use this nice pdf viewer also in TeXShop.
> Obviously it is not possible tweaking the settings under the  
> preferences.

This viewer is actually the HTML viewer (which in Tiger does pdf as  
well, just like Safari). TeXShop technically is the same viewer, it  
is the OS support for the viewer. Several key features have been  
added to the TeXShop viewer that are still missing from TextMate:  
click to zoom on a detail is the most prominent one. Depending on  
your point of view (no pun intended) this is a deal-breaker, or just  
one more thing. I really like this (although I don't use TeXShop but  
TeXniScope instead).


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