[OS X TeX] Changing the default preview program

Thomas Rike tricycle222 at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 24 23:22:05 EST 2006

The unanswered question still is, "Can TeXShop be changed to use  
PDFView.app for the pdf output?" In particular, can the "Full-screen"  
feature be implemented? The PDFView HomePage says:

  "With the use of PDFSync, you can have PDFView load the document,  
and jump to the corresponding page of the line you are editing in  
your editor. To do it, all you have to do is set up your editor to  
call this script:
PDFView.app/Contents/MacOS/gotoline.sh %line "%pdffile"

I wouldn't know how to set up TeXShop to call this script. I  
immediately changed preferences on my Mac so that all .pdf files are  
opened with PDFView.app when I Open them, so I can always leave  
TeXShop and view the file with PDFView.app, but I am not wise enough  
to know if TeXShop can be made to add this "Full-screen" feature or  
not without breaking other features. I have been living happily with  
TeXShop for a couple of years now, so it is not that important, but I  
would add it to the "wish-list" for TeXShop.
Many thanks for TeXShop, the application that I use more than any  
other on my Mac. (Not counting Mail and Safari.)

Tom Rike

On Dec 24, 2006, at 5:11 PM, Paul Levine wrote:

> On Dec 23, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Maarten Sneep wrote:
>> On 23-dec-2006, at 18:52, Christian Burk wrote:
>>> I played around with TextMate and its integration of PDFView and  
>>> I realy like this viewer. Now I was curious if it would be  
>>> possible to use this nice pdf viewer also in TeXShop.
>>> Obviously it is not possible tweaking the settings under the  
>>> preferences.
>> This viewer is actually the HTML viewer (which in Tiger does pdf  
>> as well, just like Safari). TeXShop technically is the same  
>> viewer, it is the OS support for the viewer. Several key features  
>> have been added to the TeXShop viewer that are still missing from  
>> TextMate: click to zoom on a detail is the most prominent one.  
>> Depending on your point of view (no pun intended) this is a deal- 
>> breaker, or just one more thing. I really like this (although I  
>> don't use TeXShop but TeXniScope instead).
> I am pretty sure that Maarten was not referring to the Textmate  
> built in viewer (which is, indeed, an HTML viewer), but instead is  
> talking about the third party PDFView (see http:// 
> pdfview.sourceforge.net/ ) which has a lot of nice bells and  
> whistles that are absent in both the TexShop built-in PDF viewer as  
> well as Preview.app

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