[OS X TeX] Installation Problem

Bill Rowe readlists at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 27 16:00:54 EST 2006

There seems to be a problem with the texlive.sharedscript.pm 
script portion of the texlive.ii2 package. When I attempt to 
install that package I get an error message indicating a syntax 
error in that script near line 27.

When I look at that script I find line 27 is part of the 
checkTeXPath subroutine that reads

sub checkTeXPath
     if (not -e "${II2INSTALLDIR}/bin/${arch}-apple-darwin-current/kpsewhich")
     ipkgwarn( "I cannot locate the kpsewhich program. If this 
cannot be found, configuration is impossible. I will bail out...\n");
     die "### ${PROGNAME}: Bailing out on missing kpsewhich 
(broken PATH setup? Missing program install?)\n";
     elsif (${II2LOGLEVEL} > 3) {
     print "### ${PROGNAME}: kpsewhich is at ${II2INSTALLDIR}/bin/${arch}-apple-darwin-current/kpsewhich\n";

I believe there is a missing "{" that should appear just before 
the ipkgwarn statement.

It is trivial for me to edit this file and add the "{" but this 
isn't enough to fix the problem. When I do that, the i-installer 
app recognizes my local copy of this script no longer matches 
the remote copy and downloads a fresh copy from the server. This 
of course undoes the correction I've made and I still see the error.

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