[OS X TeX] last minute switch to gwtex

Alex Hamann Alexander.Hamann at stud-mail.uni-wuerzburg.de
Sun Dec 31 11:01:24 EST 2006

Since I had an important paper to work on and am not all that tex- 
experienced I waited until today with switching to new gwTeX. Now  
there´s two questions:
1. in TeXShop: what are the new paths to be set? I changed them  
according to http://www.tug.org/~koch/TeXDist.html but my BiBTex-,  
BiBTopic-, and LaTeX-command would not work, while XeLaTeX seems to  
(thus my pdf(TeX) path is set to  /usr/texbin
while my distiller is unchanged set to /usr/local/bin
I have not set a personal skript)
2. Even though XeLaTeX seems to work I can not install it via I- 
Installer because it would tell me that there is not tex installed.

Further information: I am on PPC 10.4.8. I uninstalled my old tetex- 
based tex before installing new gwtex. System Preferences tell me  
that gwtex is the only active tex distribution on my system


please avoid sending me word attachements; see
for details and background

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