[OS X TeX] last minute switch to gwtex

Alex Hamann Alexander.Hamann at stud-mail.uni-wuerzburg.de
Sun Dec 31 11:41:43 EST 2006

Thanks for the quick reply.

Concerning my other question:
running latex / pdflatex / bibtex from command line works. So I guess  
it is just a matter of setting the path in TeXShop correctly. I  
actually find the alias to pdflatex inside the /usr/texbin directory.  
TeXShop apparently not though...

Am 31.12.2006 um 17:18 schrieb Jonathan Kew:

> On 31 Dec 2006, at 4:01 pm, Alex Hamann wrote:
>> 2. Even though XeLaTeX seems to work I can not install it via I- 
>> Installer because it would tell me that there is not tex installed.
> The latest packages (GW's, MacTeX, or TL2006 test releases) include  
> xe(la)tex as a standard component, and you should *not* attempt to  
> install an add-on XeTeX package.
> Once TL2006 settles down, I intend to update the XeTeX pages and  
> packages in the light of the new situation, but there hasn't been  
> time yet (and the distributions have been a moving target  
> lately...) Eventually, there will probably be "XeTeX Updater"  
> packages targeted at the new base distribution(s), but for now, you  
> already have a current XeTeX.
> JK
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please avoid sending me word attachements; see
for details and background

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TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
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