[OS X TeX] TeXShop 1.42 and 2.05

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Jan 9 17:22:13 EST 2006

Am 09.01.2006 um 13:22 schrieb Richard Koch:

> TeXShop 1.42 and 2.05 are available at

When TeXShop 2.05's viewer launches it has, at least for me, very  
disirable features: pressing left or right cursor I can browse  
through the PDF document. But then I do not like the magnification of  
100%, I change it to 115%. And all the magic is gone ...

I like TeXShop 1's key binding for kind of page up/page down browsing  
(it's not really that, it's more like moving the view/viewport page  
wise while keeping it constant to the page's edges) via cursor right/ 
cursor left, and TeXShop 2 seems to provide the same.

Why does the start-up key binding change when magnification is changed?



"Let's face it; we don't want a free market economy either."
         James Farley, president, Coca-Cola Export Corp., 1959

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