[OS X TeX] TeXShop 2.07

Steffen Wolfrum osxtex_2 at st.estfiles.de
Fri Jan 13 15:46:56 EST 2006

Hi Richard,

I don't know is this is the right place for posting feature requests,  
but there are two things I would love to see in TeXShop:

1) folding (especially footnote folding): a feature announced for  
AlphaTK, and used in InDesignCS2's "texteditor".
2) searching (and replace) in folders: a feature used in AlphaX/TK or  
TextWrangler/BBEdit for example.

These would be great (and a "Goto page ..." shortcut for opening a  
dedicated little dialog box, please)!

Thank you for the wonderful TeXShop,

Am 10.01.2006 um 03:14 schrieb Richard Koch:

> Folks,
> I upgraded TeXShop to version 2.07. It has the previous 2.06 fixes.  
> Also:
> ....
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