[OS X TeX] hyperlink to files in samefolder as pdf
Keith Chugg
chugg at usc.edu
Wed Jan 25 23:50:50 EST 2006
BTW, I think this is a 10.4-preview bug, not a security feature. I
kept a copy of preview from 10.3 (preview 2.1.1) and it works with
\href{run:file.xls}{open please...}.
Preview from 10.4 also has problems with equations pasted into
figures in pdf files as has previously been discussed. I submitted
bug reports to apple on both... We shall see...
On Jan 25, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Keith M. Chugg wrote:
> Method 1 (i.e., \href{run:foo.pdf}{see foo.pdf}) works in preview
> too... My reference on latex and the hyperref says to use \href
> {foo.pdf}{see foo.pdf} and that works for Acrobat, but not preview,
> and in Acrobat, the little yellow box showing the linked file name
> is gone...
> It would be nice if preview would let you toggle off this
> "protection" if it really is a security issues. For example, I use
> Mail and one click one click opens an attached excel sheet. Why
> would this be any less secure?
> keith
> On Jan 25, 2006, at 4:18 PM, Claus Gerhardt wrote:
>> If the file has the ending .pdf, then 3) also works in Preview
>> (10.4.4), .xls doesn't work certainly because of security reasons.
>> Claus
>> On Jan 26, 2006, at 0:03, Keith M. Chugg wrote:
>>> I was trying to do the same thing today and I luckily found this
>>> thread...
>>> One thing that I noticed is that using the suggestion:
>>>> \href{run:file.xls}{open please...}
>>> produces a link that
>>> * runs just fine in the TexShop preview window, in older versions
>>> of TexShop (I think it was 2.03)
>>> * doesn't even show the little yellow box in the latest TexShop 2.09
>>> * shows the link/box in Preview, but bonks when you click
>>> * works fine in Acrobat after a warning dialog (you can disable
>>> this after the first time).
>>> This makes me believe that it is some kind of security setting in
>>> Preview. Doesn't TexShop use the same basic engine as preview?
>>> If so, what was changed between 2.03 and 2.09 that shuts off this
>>> hyperlinking?
>>> I also tried:
>>> 2) \href{full_path/file.xls}{open please...}
>>> and
>>> 3) \href{run:full_path/file.xls}{open please...}
>>> (2) shows up as a link in texhshop, preview and AA. Get a bonk
>>> in texshop and preview; AA tries to open in my default browser.
>>> It also displays as a link to a webpage rather than a local file...
>>> (3) shows as a link in all 3, works in AA, works in texhsop-
>>> preview, and bonks in preview...
>>> So the change in 2.03 to 2.09 is that in 2.09 it seems you need
>>> run:full_path to work in the texshop preview... This is
>>> frustrating because this is a cool feature!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Keith
>>> On Jan 19, 2006, at 3:35 PM, Gert van Oss wrote:
>>>> appreciate your feedback.
>>>> Guess I'm almost there but with the solution you offer I get one
>>>> forward-slash to many and the word localhost. What am I doing
>>>> wrong?
>>>> If I put the Excel file in the same folder as the LaTeX file (as
>>>> with the folder in between it didn't work) and I put the code as
>>>> follows:
>>>> \href{run:file.xls}{open please...}
>>>> I see appearing in the yellow box if I hover the mouse over the
>>>> link:
>>>> file://localhost/User...etc....
>>>> Guess with one slash less and without 'localhost' it should work
>>>> but how do I get there? If I look in the yellow box that appears
>>>> when I hover the mouse over the link with the full path
>>>> mentioned I see:
>>>> file:/Users....
>>>> This one definitely works.
>>>> Still puzzled and any hints appreciated.
>>>> Gert
>>>> On 19 Jan 2006, at 11:08, Luis Sequeira wrote:
>>>>> When I want to put a link to a file in LaTeX, I use \href with
>>>>> an url that starts with run:, as in
>>>>> \href{run:./excels/file.xls}{open the excel file}
>>>>> You can put the pdf and the excel files in a folder, zip it in
>>>>> the finder and send the zip file to whomever you want; and
>>>>> they'll get everything in place just by double-clicking the zip
>>>>> archive and running the pdf within. Works like a charm.
>>>>> (By the way, this also a possible alternative for a movie
>>>>> inclusion, if it gives too much trouble; just put a link to the
>>>>> movie instead of embedding it)
>>>>> Luis Sequeira
>>>>>> I can't seem to set up a 'local-hyperlink'. Does anyone know
>>>>>> if this is possible at all?
>>>>>> Something like:
>>>>>> \href{/Users/gertmt/Documents/Opleidingen/Voorstel/Rapport/
>>>>>> VersieTextMate12/excels/test.xls}{This works}
>>>>>> works but
>>>>>> \href{excels/test.xls}{this doesn't work....}
>>>>>> is not successful.
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