[OS X TeX] monowidth font justified

Ingo Reich ireich at mac.com
Sun Jan 29 09:46:18 EST 2006

Hi, I'd like to set some text with a fixed \textwidth (35 characters)  
in a monowidth font. Since I'd like to have justified output I get  
problems with hyphenation. Is there any (straightforward) way to tell  
latex to fill each line with exactly 35 characters and then do  
hyphenation if necessary (ignoring sophisticated language specific  
hyphenation rules etc.)?

P.S.: I already tried "hyphenat.sty" with "htt" option and  
"ragged2e.sty", but they only give raggedright output. The same is  
true for the following setting from the TeX Book:  
\hyphenpenalty=-1000 \pretolerance=-1 \tolerance=1000  
\doublehyphendemerits=-10000 \finalhyphendemerits=-100000

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