[OS X TeX] Fonts ay PracTeX

Stephen Moye stephenmoye at cox.net
Wed Jul 5 06:53:53 EDT 2006

At Practical TeX 2006 (being held at Rutgers, LaTeX Workshop: July  
25-28, 2006; Practical TeX Conference: July 30-August 1, 2006 --  
visit http://www.tug.org for more information) there will be a some  
good discussion of fonts and how we get them to work effectively in TeX.

We all work with fonts, and occasionally (often?!) have to install  
new fonts  for TeX. But, Oh!, the pain. Fontinst is very clever, but  
not easily grasped and used. So the question is: What do you do to  
deal with new fonts? Have you found nifty tools and workarounds to  
make the process of teaching TeX about new fonts easier?  Have you  
found ways of getting the old tools to do new and interesting (and   
time saving!) things? In short, what do you do to make dealing with  
fonts in  TeX easier? We're having a discussion of these issues and  
trying to come up  with new approaches at PracTeX '06.

And then there is XeTeX -- the spectacular new tool from Jonathan Kew  
that liberates users from the nightmare of TeX font installation.  
Will Robertson's 'fontspec' for XeTeX is an amazing package for LaTeX  
users. If you haven't tried them together you are missing an  
amazingly empowering TeX experience. If you use these tools for your  
work we'd love to see some samples!

Consider this: suppose for a moment that you had at your disposal a  
magical TeX font installer. What would it do? What would it automate?  
What would it look like? What information would it require?

All these issues are things that we would like to look at in a  
session at PracTeX 2006 at Rutgers. We'd like to get the discussion  
rolling now so that we have something to offer and to share at PracTeX.

There is a list of resources available at:

Lots of information there! Let's get the discussion started...

Share your experiences with us!

Stephen Moye
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