[OS X TeX] Xindy?

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Mon Jul 17 04:38:00 EDT 2006

Le 17 juil. 06 à 09:55, Simon Spiegel a écrit :

> On 16.07.2006, at 22:36, Maarten Sneep wrote:
>> Fink may or may not interfere with this installation, if it fails  
>> try again with /sw removed from the search path.
> Stupid question: Which search path and how do I remove something  
> from it?

To the first question: in Terminal, type

	echo $PATH

For me that returns


The first 4 items are OS X standard, I think; the fifth is added by  
the TeX i-Package (if you went by the default of allowing CLI  
activation) and the sixth by the GhostScript i-Package (again if you  
stuck to the default of CLI activation). The seventh item is  
something I added manually for DarwinPorts.

Regarding the second question, I'm not sure how Fink adds /sw to the  
search path. It may be by creating and/or modifying config files in  
your home directory; for bash, that would be either of  
~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile. i-Installer works by  
modifying the system-wide /etc/profile (for bash) and /etc/csh.login  
(for tcsh). In case Fink modifies them as well, you may comment the  
related lines in these files. Given they are owned by root, you'll  
have to edit them from Terminal, typing in, for example

	sudo pico /etc/profile
	sudo pico /etc/csh.login

Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin

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