[OS X TeX] shifting headers in memoir

Sergei Mariev sergei.mariev at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Thu Jul 27 16:55:05 EDT 2006


Using memoir class, I have changed the width of a portion of the text  
with \begin{adjustwidth}...\end{adjustwidth}
Now my problem is that the header on some pages is misplaced in  
relation to the (changed) width of the text. I am looking for a way  
to help me shift the header, something like changing the left or the  
right "margin" for the header to a negative value. The solution  
offered by the memoir class (\makeheadposition{}{}{}{}{}) does not  
help in my case, as this command only accepts the parameters like  
flushright,  and I would like to shift the header *past* the assumed  
margin of the main text. Does any one know how or where the position  
fo headers is defined and how that can be changed?

Thanks a lot!

Sergei Mariev
+49 (0)163-499-68-18
+49 (0)8153-986-716

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