[OS X TeX] Placing eps figures

Gary L. Gray gray at engr.psu.edu
Sat Jun 3 19:18:59 EDT 2006

On Jun 3, 2006, at 3:23 PM, George Gratzer wrote:

> What I still miss, is the saving on a typeset page in Illustrator  
> format. There was a lot of discussion on this in this forum, but  
> nothing quite works.

We have written two AppleScripts apps (that use Ghostscript and  
pdfcrop) that make labeling figures much like it was in the Textures.  
The general idea is that you can create the labels in a .tex file,  
convert the fonts in the resulting .pdf file to Postscript outlines,  
open that .ps file in AI, and then copy and post those outlines in  
the AI figure file. The steps are as follows:

(1) Create your figure in AI and save it as "Adobe PDF (pdf)". I will  
assume it is called "test.pdf".

(2) Create the labels for your figure in a .tex file. I will assume  
it is called "labels.tex".

(3) Typeset the labels.tex file and then drop the resulting  
labels.pdf file on "TeX Font Outliner.app"

(4) After you drop the .pdf file on "TeX Font Outliner.app", the  
resulting .ps file will automatically open in AI. Copy the labels  
from the .ps file and place them labels in the fig you saved in part  
(1), i.e., in test.pdf

(5) Move the labels into position and save test.pdf.

(6) Drop test.pdf onto "PDF Cropper.app". This will rename test.pdf  
to test-AI.pdf (so that you will have your original file for later  
editing) and then it will crop that file by removing all white space  
and it will name the cropped file test.pdf.

That's all there is too it. I have placed the apps at:


if you want to try them out (I have only tested this with AI CS2).  
They are universal binary.

I hope this is useful.

-- Gary
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