[OS X TeX] Placing eps figures

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Sun Jun 4 14:15:36 EDT 2006

Below is an Applescript which can be saved as a macro in TeXShop or  
run separately and which will do what George asked for.

Run the macro when the tex file is front most in TS. The pdf file  
should already exist.

The script needs the subroutine setnamets.scpt which can be  
downloaded from my tex page. The subroutine has to be stored in

You have to insert the name of your Illustrator application in the  
script, since I don't own one.


-- Apply only to an already saved file
-- Claus Gerhardt, June 2006
(*The script extracts a pdf page, then  transforms it  to a ps file  
which will be opened in Illustrator.

Important: If  the name Preview in the last command is still present,  
then it has to be replaced by the name of your Illustrator application.

Run the script when either the tex file or the pdf file is front most  
in TeXShop.

-- In the first dialog enter the papersize (a4, letter or any other  
standard size)
-- In the following dialog enter your selection of pages like
-- 3:4,6,8:12 This would be the selection for one output file
-- It would contain the pages 3-4, 6, and 8-12

tell application "TeXShop"
	get path of document of window 1
	set Filename to result
end tell
set scriptPath to (do shell script "dirname " & "~/Library/TeXShop/ 
set scriptPath to scriptPath & "/setnamets.scpt"
set scriptName to POSIX file scriptPath as alias
set scriptLiB to (load script scriptName)
tell scriptLiB
	set {baseName, texName, pdfname, namePath, dirName, dirNameunquoted,  
logName, logPath, rtfName} to setnamets(Filename)
end tell

set dialogPaper to "Which paper size do you want: a4, a5, a3, letter"
set input to the text returned of (display dialog dialogPaper default  
answer "a4" buttons {"Cancel", "Next"} default button "Next")

set dialogSelection to "Your selection for  file # 1. The file will  
be saved as " & baseName & "-1.pdf."
set i to 1 as number
set input to input & " " & the text returned of (display dialog  
dialogSelection default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "Next"} default  
button "Next")

set input to input & " " & baseName

set shellScript to "cd " & dirName & ";"
set shellScript to shellScript & "~/Library/TeXShop/bin/pdfselectc  "  
& input
do shell script shellScript

set pdfname to baseName & "-1.pdf"
set shellScript to "cd " & dirName & ";"
set shellScript to shellScript & "/usr/local/bin/gs -sDEVICE=pswrite - 
dNOCACHE -sOutputFile=" & baseName & "-1.ps" & " -q -dbatch - 
dNOPAUSE  " & pdfname & " -c quit"
do shell script shellScript
set PSName to baseName & "-1.ps"
set PSName to dirNameunquoted & "/" & PSName
set theFile to alias (POSIX file PSName)

tell application "Preview"
	open theFile
end tell

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