[OS X TeX] Re: dvips problem

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Jun 6 12:10:33 EDT 2006

Am 06.06.2006 um 15:44 schrieb Stephen Anderson:

>> Maybe the stricter safety settings of dvips in newer  
>> distributions? You
>> can try to add -R0 to the dvips command to see if it works.
> That's the trick.  Adding -R0 to dvips lets it find the file  
> correctly.  So I replaced the absolute reference in the .sty file  
> with just the filename (tree-divps.pro) and put the prolog file in  
> ~/Library/texmf/dvips/local and now it works.

No, that's not the trick! That's a work-around for your fault! You  
should not give absolute path names as arguments (they are classified  
as EVIL, pointer to a TeX or PostScript or Javascript virus). The  
auxiliary files support a TeX programme and so they have  
automagically a home assigned to. If you put them there then they'll  
be found by TeX.

> I still can't my system to find the files I installed (and have  
> been using for some time) for the Adobe Garamond and Warnock Pro  
> fonts, but that seems to be quite a different issue.

Now we have the last problem named! (It's strange that Mail knows in  
advance what I'll be writing and chooses the signature accordingly.)  
When you have the MAP file fragments for both fonts (chunks) saved in  
your private repository you need to run updmap for this stuff. If you  
are a bit hungry it might be worth to set up a batch of updmap  
commands and then have dinner, go to swim, or do some cross country  
running (ozone level is OK):

	updmap --syncwithtrees
	updmap --disable THIS.map
	updmap --disable THAT.map
	updmap --listavailablemaps
	updmap --enable THIS.map
	updmap --enable THAT.map

After sports and an hour TeX will work! (I'm now off for sports!)



Ce qui été compris n'existe plus.    (Paul Eluard)

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