[OS X TeX] Opustex and TexShop on OSX
Claus Gerhardt
gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Jun 6 19:14:58 EDT 2006
There seems to be several errors in the shell script.
For combining several shell scripts an Applescript seems to be best
suited. Try the one below. TeXShop's help section explains the use
and syntax of shell and Applescripts and their interaction very
The Applescript assumes that opusflex is in
You have to be sure that opusflex is called with a filename not
ending in a suffix!
The Applescript only works when called from within TS as a macro. The
shell script pdflatexc should be present.
-- Apply only to an already saved file
-- Claus Gerhardt, Nov. 2003
set frontName to setname(#NAMEPATH#,#TEXPATH#)
set fileName to #NAMEPATH#
set n to (number of characters of contents of fileName)
set fileNamequoted to quoted form of fileName
set baseName to do shell script "basename " & fileNamequoted
set m to (number of characters of contents of baseName)
set dirName to quoted form of (characters 1 thru (n - m - 1) of
fileName as string)
set texName to baseName & ".tex"
set shellScript to "cd " & dirName & ";"
set shellScript to shellScript & "~/Library/TeXShop/bin/pdflatexc "
& texName
do shell script shellScript
set shellScript to "cd " & dirName & ";"
set shellScript to shellScript & "~/Library/TeXShop/bin/opusflex " &
do shell script shellScript
set shellScript to "cd " & dirName & ";"
set shellScript to shellScript & "~/Library/TeXShop/bin/pdflatexc "
& texName
do shell script shellScript
tell document frontName of application "TeXShop"
end tell
on setname(x, y)
set texName to x
set theFile to POSIX file texName as string
tell application "Finder"
if the file theFile exists then
set theAnswer to "yes"
set theAnswer to "no"
end if
end tell
if theAnswer is equal to "yes" then
set texName to quoted form of x
set texName to quoted form of y
end if
set frontName to do shell script "basename " & texName
tell application "TeXShop"
save document frontName
end tell
return frontName
end setname
On Jun 7, 2006, at 0:39, Teresa Clark wrote:
> Thanks Frank
> It's almost there. Runs on some files but not others. Frustrating.
> Why did you use pdftex instead of Latex, etc?
> The typeset encounters errors on the second pass of pdftex using
> files I know compiled under Windows.
>> -8<-----
>> #!/bin/tcsh
>> echo $1
>> set basefname="`basename "$1" .tex`"
>> pdftex "$1"
>> ~/Library/TeXShop/bin/opusflex "$basefname"
>> pdftex "$1"
>> rm "$basefname".ox*
>> -8<----
> Is there a way to split the three compilations so that I can track
> the errors. Or a pause between?
> From now, it could be just adjusting to a different version of TeX.
> Thanks again for your assistance
> Teresa Clark
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