[OS X TeX] bibdesk

Adam Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Thu Jun 8 13:34:28 EDT 2006

On Thursday, June 08, 2006, at 08:50AM, Themis Matsoukas <matsoukas at psu.edu> wrote:

>On Jun 8, 2006, at 11:20 AM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:
>> The Preferences interface is not AppleScriptable, as far as I know,  
>> although you might be able to use UI scripting on it.  What  
>> preference for PDF file location are you changing?  This doesn't  
>> make sense to me.
>I want to change the Paper Folders Location in Autofile Preferences.  
>For example, when I work on foo1.bib I want the location to be  ~/ 
>WorkStuff/.../.../.../foo1, but when I work on foo2.bib I want the  
>location to change to ~/WorkStuff/.../.../.../foo2, etc. Because I  
>have several bib's  I want to be able to go back and forth  
>frequently, that's why I'd rather avoid going into the preferences  
>each time.

Okay, autofile prefs.  Why not just use the %b specifier?  If you're using the document name, it does exactly what you want (see the format syntax appendix of the BibDesk manual), and is completely transparent.

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