[OS X TeX] vertical positioning within a cell of a table

Christopher O'Brien cjo123 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 10:59:35 EDT 2006

I have had success with simply using a {center} environment inside  
table cells.

You can also use minipage environments inside a float environment to  
place figures/text side by side.

You may also want to see the document:
"Using Imported Graphics in LATEX and pdfLATEX"
Keith Reckdahl
<epslatex at yahoo dot com >


On Jun 13, 2006, at 10:45 AM, Alain Schremmer wrote:

> Here is a simple case
> Say I have a table with 1 row and 2 columns.
> In the first column I have a tall graphics and in the second column  
> I have text.
> The graphic and the text come out bottom-aligned.
> How do I get, say, at least a top-alignment or a center alignment?
> One way is to use multirow with the optional positioning parameter  
> vmove and the text in the first row of the second column with  
> either enough empty rows in the second column or \vspace{xmm} below  
> the table for the graphic not to overlay whatever is below the  
> table. (Companion 2ed, p274)
> It works (by vmoving the graphic in the first column!) but seems to  
> me rather clunky.
> Is that really all there is? (\vspace{xmm} after the text doesn't  
> have the effect I would have expected.)
> Regards
> --schremmer
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