[OS X TeX] How to use cmr-super ?

Alain Matthes alain.matthes at mac.com
Thu Jun 15 09:37:54 EDT 2006

Le 15 juin 06 à 14:51, Peter Dyballa a écrit :

> Am 15.06.2006 um 14:12 schrieb Alain Matthes:
>> I installed the files with I-installer and I-installer says  
>> install and « configure ».
>>  I-installer must configure in theory but It configures what?
> I-Installer only cares for the system installation and  
> configuration. Otherwise it would install TeX somewhere in ~/ 
> Library/texmf ...
>>  why i've a web2c in my texmf directory ?
> Because you use a modern teTeX distribution and you invoked at some  
> time updmap or fmtutil
>> where is the mistake ?
> I cannot find a mistake in using both -- except when you put a  
> 'sudo' before them. And the next mistake is when you think what  
> changes thy system's files that have the same names as your private  
> versions integrates these changes into your private property, too.  
> That's not true, because by default first your own repository is  
> searched for TeX files then the system,  so that the system's files  
> are never found because the search ends in your field. And if it  
> where true there would be no reason to have system and private sets  
> or configurations, no private setup for a subject's header or sub- 
> header, format for a footnote ...

Thanks for all your answers Herbert, Franck and Pete !


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