[OS X TeX] TeXShop 2.09 crash

Wolfgang Schmidle Wolfgang.Schmidle at sunderland.ac.uk
Thu Jun 15 15:33:35 EDT 2006

Herbert Schulz schrieb:
> On Jun 15, 2006, at 2:11 PM, Wolfgang Schmidle wrote:
>> Gary L. Gray schrieb:
>>> It was suggested that you move/delete TeXShop.plist at:
>>> ~/Library/Preferences/TeXShop.plist
>>> Did you try that?
>>> -- Gary
>> Yes. Unfortunately, that didn't solve the problem, either.
>> Wolfgang
> Howdy,
> When you tried to run TeXShop again did it recreate the plist file?
> Try moving the TeXShop directory out of ~/Library/. A new one should 
> be created. You can move any special changes (e.g., templates, macros, 
> command completion) back one at a time to see if anything there is 
> causing a problem.
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
> (herbs at wideopenwest.com)

OK, the short version: I rebooted the computer and everything was fine, 
which makes me feel kind of stupid.

The long version: I removed ~/library/Texshop, but then TeXshop wouldn't 
start at all because some macros were missing. I couldn't re-install it 
from the dmg file because there were "too many processes open". The 
activity monitor crashed when I tried to start it. When I re-booted, 
there was a kernel panic. The second re-boot worked, and TeXshop also 
worked again. Is this normal? I found it really scary.

Thanks Gary, Chris and Herb for your help!


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