[OS X TeX] png files not generated

Don Salisbury dsalisbury at austincollege.edu
Mon Jun 19 23:19:57 EDT 2006

Thanks Victor,

I have version 6.2.6. I uninstalled both ImageMagick and PNG library,  
then reinstalled the library, then reinstalled ImageMagick. The  
problem persists.

Any more ideas?

Many thanks,


On Jun 19, 2006, at 10:06 PM, Victor Ivrii wrote:

> On 6/19/06, Don Salisbury <dsalisbury at austincollege.edu> wrote:
>> The 'convert' command exists, but here is what I get when I issue the
>> convert command:
>> convert zztest61706.ps test.png
>> convert: no decode delegate for this image format `zztest61706.ps'.
>> convert: missing an image filename `test.png'
> This means that either ImageMagick or libpng is faulty rather than  
> latex.
> Run convert --version
> You need not too old version of ImageMagick. Not sure where the
> cut-off is but 6.25 would be sufficient while 5.2 is not. Try
> reinstalling libpng and AFTER this ImageMagick using GW i-installer.
> This should solve your problem.
>> I would be so grateful for help. I need to convert to html for an
>> online textbook.
> -- 
> ========================
> Victor Ivrii, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto
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Donald Salisbury
Associate Professor of Physics
Austin College
Sherman, TX 75090
dsalisbury at austincollege.edu

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