[OS X TeX] Problems with i-installer

Simon Spiegel simon at simifilm.ch
Thu Jun 22 10:22:33 EDT 2006

On 22.06.2006, at 16:19, Simon Spiegel wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having serious problems here. It started this morning with  
> TeXShop telling me that it couldn't find pdflatex.fmt. After some  
> fiddling around I decided to re-install TeX with the i-installer.  
> No luck here either. I tried several times, but at the end of the  
> config process the installer seems to hang. It doesn't really  
> freeze, the progress bar is still cycling and I can quit the i- 
> installer, but nothing happens. It seems to be in some kind of  
> endless loop.
> Help is much appreciated.
> simon
> --

Forgot to ad: This is on an Intel iMac running 10.4.6


Simon Spiegel
Steinhaldenstr. 50
8002 Zürich

Telephon: ++41 44 451 5334
Mobophon: ++41 76 459 60 39


"I have never been certain that the moral of the Icarus myth is, as  
is generally accepted, 'don't fly too high', or whether it might also  
be thought of as: 'forget about the wax and feathers, and do a better  
job on the wings." Stanley Kubrick

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